Industry Profile- Prime Meridian Capital Management

A “proven track record of success” is a phrase that is easy to throw around but difficult to substantiate, especially in the world or marketplace lending given the relative infancy of the industry. However, Don Davis, Managing Partner of Prime Meridian Capital Management, has such a record.

Don Davis has been in the investment management business for over 20 years. In 2004, Davis started Novus Investments – an alternative asset management firm specializing in various investment strategies with low correlation to equity markets. Novus, an affiliate of Prime Meridian provided Davis valuable experience managing risk and trading for investors in a very regulated environment that would prove crucial to his next endeavor. It was also highly successful – in 2008, when most traditional asset allocations were down substantially, Novus was up double digits, and was later ranked the top performing firm of its kind in the US over both a five and seven year period.

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